- Biology
- Chemistry
- Communications
- Criminal Justice
- Dance Studies
- Engineering Leadership Development
- English
- Entrepreneurship
- Environmental Studies
- Global Language and Culture
- History
- Human Development and Family Studies
- Mathematics
- Mathematics Applications
- Political Science
- Professional Writing
- Psychology
- Sociology
- Spanish
- Vocal Studies
- Women's Studies
Exploring Minors Offered at Other Penn State Locations
In most cases, students do not have to be enrolled in the college that offers a particular minor in order to pursue that minor. For example, a student can be enrolled in a Penn State Altoona major and still pursue a minor offered at another location as long as Altoona offers the courses required for the minor.
Note, however, that a student may not change from a campus that offers their major to a campus that does not offer the major in order to complete a minor.
For more information about Penn State Minors, visit the Undergraduate Bulletin.