Academic Plan—Multidisciplinary Studies
- Statement of Focus and Themes: Geographic Information Systems
- Subjects of Focus: Geography, Remote Sensed Imagery and Media Arts
I have elected to work in field involving innovative GIS use and application. My goal is to become fluent in the field and continue my education with a master’s degree from Pennsylvania State University. After completion of my education I plan to work as a topographical analyst for the Department of Defense. This job will require skills in satellite imagery, cartography and geography. In addition I must be able to accurately communicate information to peers and customers via mediums such as web pages, PowerPoint and GIS systems.
Through my liberal studies option I will obtain the training and skills required to work in the cutting edge field of GIS. The LAS program will also provide me the ability to communicate my GIS work effectively in a creative and professional manner. A large part of being professional is having the knowledge to safely and securely work with classified and sensitive material. The Multidisciplinary Studies program allows me to tailor my education so that I will be prepared for the specific mission objectives that the government demands of its employees.
Primary Areas of Course work
The selected course will provide the education I need reach my goals: Major Requirements:
Theory/Application - Introduction to Multimedia Production: COMM 270
This class will provide me with the updated skills required to use digital media in web design and authoring. As digital communication continues to grow I must adapt and conform to the new standard.
Graphic Design for Communications: COMM 241
My career path requires the ability to use multimedia to communicate to peers and clients; this course will enable me to focus on clean and accurate design. This will give me a chance to build a impressive portfolio, usable in my resume.
Research Methods/Projects - Mapping our Changing World: GEOG 160
This class will provide me with a diverse ArcGIS background. Geospatial jobs require that you stay current with all methods of project construction. This class will also reinforce the fundamentals of cartography and help keep my work precise.
Critical Analysis - Geographic Information Systems: GEOG 363
This course demonstrates the advanced functionality of GIS in civil use. Projects in this class will include census data, least cost path and line of sight. These three skills are in high demand for marketing, transportation and communications.
Level Credit Courses
Elements of cultural Geography: GEOG 444
This course will further my understanding of geography and help me identify new ways to incorporate GIS as a method to solving and display problems
The contemporary Middle East: HIST 479
For more than 10 years we have been working closely with the Middle East culture through operation Iraqi Freedom and other military operations. This course will provide valuable information on an area that has been a top priority for government GIS workers.
Security and Risk Management: IST 456
This class is specifically designed to teach me about using the best techniques and practices in a secure work environment. It is important that government information remain secure at all times, either through the internet, phone lines or any other communications device.
Energy Industry Applications of GIS: GEOG 469
This class will bridge the gap between military use and civilian GIS. It will provide an excellent opportunity to narrow my focus in on the important need for GIS in the energy field. This skill alone will be a desirable asset for companies looking to hire new GIS professionals.
Advanced Multimedia Production: COMM 481
This class will enhance my understanding of scripting for digital devices on the web. The strong emphasis on flash animation and Photoshop presentation will provide desirable skills for communicating visual products and services. The digital world is growing and it is critical to have an understanding of this cutting edge technology.
Senior Capstone: will be Elements of cultural Geography: GEOG 444
(If it is possible to drive to University Park, I will consider taking another GIS specific 400 level class or internship with the National Geospatial Intelligence Agency)
Additional Selections:
Information, People and Technology: IST 110
This class will teach me the fundamentals of IST, a core component of GIS work. I will learn how to manage data more efficiently and be able to better comprehend the correlation it has with people and technology.
Networking and Telecommunications: IST 220
This course will build on IST 110 and additionally provide an understanding about data transmission. Networking and telecommunications are crucial in our growing age of technology and information.
Photo Studio 1: Photo 200
This course will help to better understand the workings of remote sensed imagery. It will also compliment Imagery analysis, an important aspect in GIS.
Possible Internships or Independent Studies:
I currently work for the Army as a Geospatial Engineer; I plan on continued work with government agencies upon completion of my contract. The National Geospatial Intelligence Agency supplies products to all branches of the military and other government organizations. The NGA will be providing the perfect environment to pursue my GIS career.
Career and Academic Goals:
Upon completing my formal training I plan to be a leader and innovator in the GIS community. The course work planned in my degree will ensure that I am capable of achieving these goals. A great amount of thought has been dedicated to designing an academic program that is well rounded and comprehensive.